Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Burrowing Owls - Cesar Chavez Park - 3/7/12

          Cesar Chavez Park in Berkeley happens to be a sought after spot for burrowing owls to spend their winter. The countless ground squirrels and their burrows provide turnkey homes for the migrating owls.
          I’ve spent several of my lunch breaks down at the park looking for the hard to find little critters. Typically you can have good luck near the northeast corner of the park where they’ve put in a special art installation to help protect the owl’s habitat. This year I believe they’ve reported seeing at least four birds at Cesar Chavez and a couple more at the Berkeley Meadow. I’ve been able to locate three of the owls at Cesar Chavez; however, only one of them was positioned for a decent picture.

Burrowing Owl

          Hoping to get some video footage I showed up at Cesar Chavez before sunrise and went looking for the owls near their burrows. I spotted one in the fenced off northeast corner which was too far away for any photos. I didn’t have any luck finding the others and so I enjoyed the sunrise before leaving to go to work.
Sunrise Over the Bay

          As the sun rose, the lookout on Mt. Tamalpais, reflecting the suns rays, lit up like a beacon.

East Peak Reflections

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